The artist is Filonov
The painting “The rebirth of the intellectual”, which continues the development of the topic “Who has nothing to lose”, expresses a state of change in the consciousness and mentality of the intelligentsia after January 9, 1905.
A person turns out to be a toy, part of some powerful external forces, breaking and rolling houses, deforming the entire space of the city and revealing the maximum shake and instability of its existence in this world. These unknown forces with a whirlwind twist the character depicted in the center, dismembering his figure. The hero seems to have lost himself in many rapidly changing, like in a kaleidoscope, faces. Unlike indifferently loud houses, people who look at a strange phenomenon are emotional: someone is angry, someone is mocking, and someone is frightened. Twilight color scheme, where paints are thickening in anxious expectation of something unknown and therefore frightening, emphasizes the tension of the moment, and dull monochrome creates a feeling of loneliness of a person, his restlessness and fear of the future.
"Beautiful suffering Filonov, little -known singer of urban suffering", – So wrote about the artist Velimir Khlebnikov. The city is the most direct and the most real space created by the artist in the world. However, the motive of the city in the works of Filonov sounds – unlike the most daring urban utopias of futurists – just as the motive of urban suffering, the heroes of his paintings are the inhabitants of the city slums and working outskirts, destitute and harsh. In the picture "Rebirth of a person", having the second author’s name: "The rebirth of the intellectual", – The theme of degradation – the rebirth of a person under the influence of a terrible, aggressively advancing city of the city sounds with marginal clarity and ruthlessness.