The artist is Rodchenko
In his abstract compositions, the artist varies the simplest geometric shapes, builds a new visual spatial spatial. He uses the techniques of color and large -scale contrasts, optical effects that enhance the textured study of the surface of the canvas, the emphasized logic of the color combinations. Line, color, space – the main components of the picturesque manner A. Rodchenko. In 1918 in the newspaper "Anarchy" The artist said that "Stubbornly studies the projection in the depths, height, width, opens the endless possibility of building outside the time", He calls his works "compositions of movements of painted and designed parts". It is quite obvious that the artist received an impetus to the movement along this path. Malevich. However, unlike the last A. Rodchenko is a big materialist and, in essence, closer to. Tatlin with his attitude to art as a craft and the process of creativity as an invention.