The artist is Annenkov
The portrait is characteristic of the punctually accurate, sometimes grotesque manner of Annenkov. The image of Sherling seemed to combine the worldview of the painter with the features of the vision of the photographer, who was called the “master of artistic photography”. The face of the model in the FAS, duplicated by the “enlarged shadow in the profile”; The tenacious look of a stormy eye and at the same time blinding glare of glasses is not a stratification of the personality, but the facet of its perception. Paradoxically solved the space with as if grabbed by architectural fragments – as a “influx” of memories of Paris. Paradoxical canvas plastic, in which a harsh cubistic “categorical” form is adjacent to the grace of lines, a mysterious glow of a street lamp, and a restless rhythm of color planes. A transformed reality arises here, about which the author said: “The artist in vain neglects a microscope – through the lentils of glasses, new nature looks at us …” (and. D.).
Sherling Miron (?) Abramovich-Petrograd photographer-artist. In the Art Bureau N. The prey (Moika, 63) took place “Exhibition of Artistic Lights. M. Sherling “, on which photographs of n were presented. N. Jewish, c. E. Meyerhold, f. AND. Chaliapin, a. I. Golovina, n. TO. Roerich, a. E. Yakovlev and many others. There is a “portrait of a photographer-artist m. A. Sherling »b. D. Grigoryeva (private meeting).
Russian portrait. XX century: St. Petersburg, 2001. WITH. 139.
In Annenkov’s work, the desire for innovation was combined with commitment to the traditions of the academic drawing, the grotesque – with psychologism, the sophistication of plastic solutions – with cold, honed of maeststry. These features, more characteristic of the schedule of the master, were also manifested in one of his most famous picturesque works – "Sherling’s portrait". Famous photographer, "Master of artistic color science" undoubtedly impressed Annenkov with his artistry and purely St. Petersburg "Europeanism", tangible in the portrait. Futuristic "shifts", The dissecting part of the face and figures give the portrait plastic acuity and some mystery emphasized by the appearance of night Paris with the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower and the inscription "Hotel".